This month is the second installment of our monument design series, and we are shifting focus from color symbolism to monument shapes and their meanings.
Until you have to shop for a monument yourself, you are probably not thinking about how many different monument shape options there are to choose from. This probably has never even crossed your mind. There are many questions to consider when browsing the different monument shapes available for purchase. What headstone shape appeals to you? How does it fit your idea of how you want to be remembered? What is the symbolism behind that particular shape? And usually the most important question: how expensive is it? While many headstones are simple and allow you to attach your own meaning behind them, others convey particular specific feelings in those who see them.
Choosing the perfect headstone or memorial shape can seem overwhelming at first, but the experts at Gaulden Monuments are skilled in turning your wishes into reality with the right option to fit your needs. To give you some ideas, today we are sharing 7 different monument shapes and what they symbolize:
A cross headstone is a classical symbol of faith and resurrection. If the person you are choosing a monument for is (or was) a person of much faith, then a cross could be a perfect choice for them because it symbolizes something they were passionate about. With this option, you can choose a monument in the shape of a cross or include a cross etched into the stone or marble. In fact, many military markers from World War 1 have headstones with a cross to show their faith and devotion to their country. So, if you are looking into a monument for someone who served in the military, a cross could also be a great choice.
A heart headstone can have a variety of meanings, most of which are also religious. Most commonly, a heart represents a love of God. However, it is not solely a religious headstone. A heart can also be a great choice for people who led their lives with love, kindness, and compassion for others. This option will symbolize love for anyone who comes to visit.
Oval with a Teddy Bear
A teddy bear headstone is a common option for children and babies who passed away far before their time. Choosing a monument for a child may be one of the most difficult things to do, and many people opt for a child's headstone style that captures their innocence and becomes a visual reminder of their legacy here on earth. Rather than a traditional option, a teddy bear could be the right option for someone who falls into this category.
Traditional Oval or Arch
Traditional headstone shapes such as an oval or arched rectangle is a tried and true option that stands the test of time. These are some of the most popular options available because they have plenty of room for engraving, do not stand out too much from other headstones in the graveyard, and have a timeless feeling associated with them. This option is perfect for the traditional person who enjoys the simple things in life. Unsurprisingly, ovals and arched rectangles are also some of the more affordable options available because of their simplicity.
Angels are typically viewed as gracious and kindhearted supernatural beings. When a loved one passes away, it comforts us to believe they are looking after us from a place of peace. That feeling of peace is reflected in this particular choice of monument. Some people also firmly believe that guardian angels are looking out for us, so this type of headstone can be perfect for the person who believes in angels and the supernatural.
Teardrops can be representative of both happiness and sorrow. Tears are also a cleansing act that allows us to see the world more clearly. Teardrop headstones are a relatively new style that will soon be a new classic piece commonly seen in graveyards. These headstones are easy to design, allow for large images and text, and convey a slightly angelic feeling without the extravagance of a more complex headstone style. This type of headstone is perfect for someone who felt the world more deeply than others and let their emotions drive them in their life.
For something inexpensive and simple, a flat marker can be a better choice. These markers are the most popular options because they are classic and less expensive than any other option. Flat markers are the cheapest to make because they are typically the smallest option made out of stone or metal. These headstones are easy to engrave also, so if you want to include a quote or lyric, a flat marker is a great option to do so.
Finally, there are also several unique new tombstone or plaque shapes rapidly gaining popularity. Some new monument styles are butterflies, musical notes, and horses, but there are many more to choose from depending on your passions and personality. It seems that many headstones are now designed to encompass that particular person more specifically than in the past when they were simple shapes. However, it is important to remember these headstones are also more expensive to design and create because of their unique shape. While customized headstone shapes were not typically seen in the past, they are quickly becoming common in cemeteries, and are sure to be more often seen in the future.
No matter what headstone or memorial you are considering for yourself or your loved one, Gaulden Monuments has an array of options available — even custom ones — to fit any and all of your needs. If you are wondering what type of headstone fits your loved one the best, the experts at Gaulden Monuments are here to lead you in the right direction.
© 2024 Gaulden Monuments, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Written for Gaulden Monuments by Minieri & Company LLC.
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