When a loved one passes, there are often many difficult decisions to make regarding funeral arrangements. And unfortunately, these decisions have to happen relatively quickly. That is why working with a reputable company is so critical during these difficult times. What kind of ceremony will you have? Will you cremate or have a burial? If you decide to have a burial, the next big step is to choose the type of headstone or monument that best reflects the deceased and their memory.
There are many factors to consider when designing a gravestone or monument for yourself or a loved one. Shape, size, color, and engraving are some of the top decisions in crafting a memorial because the grave becomes a central place for family members and friends to gather and remember. Therefore, these critical choices when creating a personalized monument are essential to reflect the life and memory of the individual. To help make these big decisions a little easier, we at Gaulden Monuments are dedicating the next couple of months to reviewing the headstone and memorial options available and explaining the symbolism behind each choice. This month, to start this series, we will focus on how to choose the right color for your monument.
It is well-known that different color choices evoke distinct emotions and meanings, which is why it is crucial to choose a color that reflects the personality, beliefs, and values of the person being memorialized. For example, white is a traditional headstone color with a classic and timeless feeling. Black, on the other hand, is more assertive and dominant. The different associations with these colors will forever affect the monument and how people feel when they visit. These aren't your only options, however, because now there are other colors available, such as pink and blue. These colors can represent personal preferences, favorite colors, or reflect a more non-traditional style for the person the headstone is for. In this article, we will share some meanings and symbolism behind six of Gaulden Monuments' common gravestone and monument colors to help you choose the perfect color for your loved one:
Jet Black Granite
The color black is a symbol of strength and authority. Black headstones also look distinguished, especially when surrounded by lighter-colored headstones. Black could be a perfect color choice for someone who held power and esteem while they were alive. If you plan to engrave a quote into your headstone, black is also a good choice because the inscription will stand out more prominently against the dark color and last longer than some other, lighter options.
Blue Ridge Gray
Gray continues to be one of the most popular colors for monuments and headstones. Gray headstones exude peace, acceptance, and conservatism. Gray is one of the most recognized colors for headstones and monuments, so this color is the perfect choice for someone who would like a classic and timeless option that will never go out of style. Gray granite is also affordable and durable, which can be appealing to many when choosing a headstone if they are looking for a more simple option.
Bahama Blue
The color blue is symbolic of positive emotions, such as peace, tranquility, confidence, and stability. A blue headstone is a perfect option for anyone who dedicated their life to the service of others, such as a police officer or humanitarian. It is also a great choice for someone who led a peaceful, happy life. Beyond that, a blue headstone is a non-traditional option that is different from the classical gray but also isn't too bold because it blends in with the surrounding headstones relatively easily. More and more people are starting to branch out into other colors for monuments, and blue is the perfect color for someone who wants something slightly daring without completely standing out from the rest.
Georgia Marble White
White marble is a common type of headstone and monument in national cemeteries. The color white represents cleanliness, strength, light, and peace, so it is a perfect choice for someone who led a life of peace and tranquility. Since white also represents beginnings, purity, and innocence, it is a common color choice for infants and children who have passed away too soon. However, it is important to consider that marble may not stand the test of time as well as granite or bronze, which means it may need some upkeep in the future to keep it looking pristine.
Morning Rose Granite
If your loved one was the type of person who stood apart from the crowd, a pink or red granite could be a perfect choice. Red is a color that represents energy, power, strength, and love. Red headstones are sure to attract attention, which is why many people choose them for friends or family members who were the same way during their life. While some people are starting to branch out into red colors for their headstones, they are still one of the less commonly used options, so they will stand out in any grave site for years to come.
Finally, bronze is another common type of memorial marker. One benefit to choosing a bronze monument is that it is the easiest to engrave and allows for great detail, such as pictures and portraits. If you select a bronze monument, you can easily engrave a religious passage, quote, or picture of your lost loved one. Another benefit of a bronze memorial is that it is an inexpensive choice.
Gaulden Monuments' new, diverse color selection allows for more customization than ever before. We understand the importance of this decision, which is why our team is here to help you during every step of the monument-designing process. If you have any questions about designing a headstone or memorial, the team at Gaulden Monuments is here to help you in every way we can. Next month, the second part of this series will review the different types of monument shapes and how to choose the right shape for you.
© 2024 Gaulden Monuments, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Written for Gaulden Monuments by Minieri & Company LLC.
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