Choosing the proper monument to preserve you and your family's memory for future generations is a big decision for an individual, couple, or family. It is also one of the more difficult decisions we have to make in our lifetime. Too often, people try to avoid the conversation of memorialization because it can be uncomfortable and upsetting. However, it is a fundamentally necessary discussion to have with your loved ones before the inevitable happens so that you can prepare ahead of time. Since death cannot be predicted, it is paramount to prepare for the future now.
When it is time to start preparing your monument, Gaulden Monuments can help you with all of the crucial decisions that come with planning your memorialization. The team at Gaulden will walk you through every step of the monument/memorial planning process, and you will be welcomed as part of the Gaulden family. Gaulden Monuments understands the importance of the monument selection process and how emotional it can be for a family, which is why they aim to make the planning process special and individualized to each person or family.
Headstones, monuments, and memorial arrangements by individuals and families as a pre-need have become increasingly popular recently as people become more aware of the benefits of planning ahead. More people are making their tombstone and monument selections long before they need them so that it is crafted to their specifications and reflects their wishes. There are several reasons why preparing your monument ahead of time is beneficial to you and your family. Below are four reasons why you should plan ahead.
Save Money on Inflation
Inflation affects most of our financial planning when we consider what the future may bring. This is why it is important to plan for life's major expenses ahead of time. The last thing family members want to do is worry about the financial stress of memorial and monument costs as they mourn a lost loved one. By selecting and paying for your monument now, you save your family members from a costly and stressful process down the road. When planning your monument ahead of time, you can take the time to choose a memorial for the price that fits your budget without emotional pressure or added stress. This is not a burden you want to leave to your family members after a death has already occurred. Take the time to plan and pay for your monument before it is needed so that your family can focus on what really matters—celebrating your life and legacy.
Peace of Mind
There is a sense of peace that comes with having your monument planned and paid for ahead of time so that there are no surprises when the time comes. While many procrastinate and avoid planning their monument because it is unsettling to think about their death, those that do plan for this life event feel better knowing that the decision is completed and no longer hanging over their heads. Preparing your monument now not only provides you with peace of mind, but there is relief for your family because they will have one less thing to worry about when the inevitable happens. Preparation also allows you to create the monument that fits you the best, and you will have peace knowing that you will be remembered the way you want.
Central Place to Visit
The grief and mourning process looks different for everyone. Too often, people in mourning tend to seclude themselves from other family members, and it can be difficult for them to find peace after losing a loved one. Holidays and birthdays can be especially difficult for someone in mourning, but a monument creates a central space for the family to come together and celebrate the special moments. A monument can also help family members feel more connected to the person they have lost because it provides them with a space to visit and remember their loved one. By planning ahead, you can alleviate the need for your family to spend time making decisions about your memorial, which can lead to stress and anxiety. If your memorial is already crafted and installed, your family can instead immediately visit your site to celebrate and remember your life.
Crafted How You Want
If you prepare your monument ahead of time, you can be sure that it is perfected the way you want and reflects your life to your specifications. Memorials and monuments play a key role in expressing societal values and shaping our memories of the past. The same is true for families. Planning a monument, especially a family monument, captures things that are important to their legacies.
Now more than ever, couples and families have plenty of options to customize their memorialization. You can have a traditional burial, cremation, curate a family monument, or choose something else entirely. Whether you need something for yourself or to plan a family monument, the options are endless with Gaulden Monuments. If the monument is planned before a death, the responsibility does not fall on grieving family members to make the difficult choices. Planning allows you to design a monument how you would like – the shape, size, cost, artwork, and even wording can be crafted how you want your memory to be preserved. The planning process also gives you time to consider a companion monument, a family monument, or even an estate monument.
You can never be too prepared when it comes to planning for your future—even if the decisions are uncomfortable. The most important thing to remember when considering whether or not to prepare your monument now is that you do not have to go through this process alone. The expert team at Gaulden Monuments is here to guide you through this process so that you and your family feel safe, secure, and respected while you make this decision for your future.
© 2024 Gaulden Monuments, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Written for Gaulden Monuments by Minieri & Company LLC.
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